Monday, 12 November 2012

Antisemitism 2.0: A new form of discrimination

                    Antisemitism is a suspicion of, hatred toward, or discrimination against Jews for reason connected to their Jewish Heritage. This feeling ( or should we call it behavior?) has been around since the start of  our era. There has been so much hatred against the Jews for no reason that people nowadays consider that they see antisemitism everywhere. The human race has seen so much controversies and problems concerning Jewish people that antisemitism should not be a question anymore and we should have erased this feeling. Controversies have taken place in every continent: The Shoah in Europe, Henry Ford's Jewish Conspiracy in America and the antisemitism in the Iranian establishment.

French anti-Semitic hashtag went viral on Twitter (Screengrab)
Results for #UnBonJuif on Twitter
Nowadays, after the terror and the consequences of World wars, people's mind have changed and Antisemitism has become punished by law, so there should not be anymore. Unfortunately, people have  NOT changed. Discrimination is still present and it has been used frequently in social networks. A study in France revealed that the #UnBonJuif (which means a good Jew  is the third subject the most twitted in France. The use of this hash tag is only for Antisemitism thoughts or jokes. A new form of discrimination has been founded by the use of social networks. What people who publish racist jokes do not understand is that it is still offensive for the one concerns even if it is not said directly to that person. Most Web users think they can hide behind those networks and publish anything they like but no what is offensive stays offensive no matter how you say it.

           Subjects the most twitted in France.

This is why we can speak of antisemitism 2.0 made by a generation who is confused mentally and think they have the right to make fun of whatever they like in the worst fashion. The worst of all is that this generation have complained about their liberty of expression and the fact that their tweets were not antisemitism but were considered discriminatory because Jews consider themselves all the time as victims.

The French Twitter will take severe action, they will ban and sue those users and twitts as well as control these twitts.
Worst of all, some new hash tags have been created this time about muslims or just racist jokes.

Social Networks have to react and be more careful about what people say on those networks, and same for you reader you should be concern about what you publish on the web even if it is an inbox or an e-mail it can still put you in trouble.

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